Label Fund!

$1.00 - $5,000.00
Label Fund!

As opposed to going through the process of crowd funding Spite being able to release records and not just distro them, this option has been added. Initially, it was naively thought that the distro would pay for itself, by keeping our prices lower than market, and ultimately make it so funding the label could be done off the day job. But that was not the case, and with carrying more titles came more debt, meaning less funding available for releasing records on a single black collar income. With this, we hope to appeal to our customers to help us make a dream of nearly a quarter of a century come true. We have set it up so it is entirely tax free for you to do this, so a dollar is a dollar, five is five, and I just have to pay the fees for the payment processors. Go ahead, help us achieve a dream. There may be perks to your investment in us. Leave a note when finalizing your order.