An Slua - How Ya Gettin' On?

Oi band from Ireland > oirish band from the US. Sorry, not sorry. Don't get me wrong, I dig the bands which incorporate Irish folk sounds into their oi/punk style, but here we have a four piece band that is no bullshit frills, with 9 members, and a 20' gap between the stage and the barricade to keep the jock fans in white hats who paid $50 to see them at binocular distance.
An Slua (Gaelic: the crowd), hailing from Gaillimh, Galway, Ireland, is as mentioned, an oi band. Socio-political lyrics, and good times, as one would expect from Ireland.
500 copies pressed to black, divided between 5 labels. These came from the Mister Face Records cache.
The labels:
Tough Aint Enough Records (Basque Country, autonomous region)
Mr. Face Records (USA)
LSM VInyl Records (USA & Canada)
Disco Enfermos Records (Catalonia, autonomous region)
Distroi! Records (Éire)